
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

CVS statistics

130 commits by 9 developers resulted in 5163 lines added, and 5720 lines removed.

Branches with changes this week

( from 00:57 Thursday January 01 2004 UTC (week 00)
to 18:57 Sunday January 04 2004 UTC (week 00) )

cws_fix645 ooo111fix2
cws_src680 ooo20031216 qadev15
cws_srx645 canvas01 insight01
merged branches  none
misc  HEAD and other branches

Projects which were changed

(excluding integration and resyncing)
(linked to the project page)
Branch GroupBranch
(linked to the branch changes below)
Database Access (aka dba) srx645 insight01
misc HEAD
Graphic Applications (aka graphics) srx645 canvas01
Graphic System Layer (aka gsl) srx645 canvas01
Installation (aka installation) fix645 ooo111fix2
src680 ooo20031216
Localization (aka l10n) misc HEAD
Lingucomponent (aka lingucomponent) misc HEAD
Porting (aka porting) src680 qadev15
misc HEAD
Build Tools and Environment (aka tools) fix645 ooo111fix2
UNO Development Kit / Component Technology (aka udk) fix645 ooo111fix2

Detailed changes on each branch

cws_srx645_canvas01 was changed by Thorsten Behrens(thb)
added : Directory gsl/canvas/source/workbench/directx using tag `cws_srx645_canvas01'
added : Initial revision
graphics/sd/source/engine/ : shaperenderer.hxx, shaperenderer.cxx ;
modified : Added support for multiple GDIMetaFiles per GDIMtfRenderer instance. Some minor code cleanups, too
gsl/canvas/inc/gdimtfrenderer.hxx gsl/canvas/source/workbench/java/ gsl/canvas/source/wrapper/metafilerenderer/ : action.hxx, bitmapaction.cxx, gdimtfrenderer.cxx, lineaction.cxx, pointaction.cxx, polypolyaction.cxx, textaction.cxx ; gsl/canvas/source/workbench/vcl/canvasfont.cxx

cws_src680_ooo20031216 was changed by Pavel Janík(pjanik)
modified : #i10000#: Add dependency on unoil.

cws_srx645_insight01 was changed by Ocke Janssen(oj)
files from: : FValue.hxx, test.cxx,, wrkdlg.cxx, wrkdlg.hxx, bmpdll.cxx, oemres.src, navtab_h.bmp, slright.ptr, ddmove.ptr, konopt_h.bmp, prg_sweb.ico, shorz.ptr, tables_h.bmp, optimal.bmp, queries_h.bmp, grfsphor_h.bmp, x_h.bmp, navchup_h.bmp, svert.cur, optimal_h.bmp, navdoc.bmp, tab_h.bmp, konlinks.bmp, rechts_h.bmp, navchrg_h.bmp, scnavipi.bmp, doc_sdd.ico, grfspver.bmp, navtab.bmp, slright.cur, scnavire.bmp, ddmove.cur, shorz.cur, templ.ptr, sch20557.bmp, query_h.bmp, navbook.bmp, scnavili.bmp, doc_ww.ico, konparal.bmp, doc_sw.ico, slleft.ptr, prg_sw10.ico, navchdn_h.bmp, navmrk.bmp, hand.ptr, navfoot.bmp, sch20558.bmp, navup_h.bmp, konparal_h.bmp, doc_sch.ico, parallel_h.bmp, grfspver_h.bmp, navstmp_h.bmp, konopt.bmp, navchrg.bmp, navmrk_h.bmp, wizard.ico, doc_sim.ico, db_h.bmp, navdoc_h.bmp, col_pre.bmp, kondurch_h.bmp, links.bmp, drchlauf.bmp, templ.cur, navup.bmp, kein_h.bmp, grfsphor.bmp, links_h.bmp, navhead.bmp, slleft.cur, move.ptr, rm.bmp, doc_sc.ico, navfoot_h.bmp, ddcopy.ptr, rm_h.bmp, navdn_h.bmp, hand.cur, navchup.bmp, dog_h.bmp, navnote.bmp, abt.bmp, navfram.bmp, doc_sd.ico, konrchts_h.bmp, queries.bmp, navnote_h.bmp, navchlf_h.bmp, navdn.bmp, tables.bmp, doc_sm.ico, doc_gl.ico, konkein_h.bmp, parallel.bmp, table_h.bmp, navhead_h.bmp, drchlauf_h.bmp, danchor_h.bmp, navstmp.bmp, konrchts.bmp, anchor_h.bmp, navtoc.bmp, tab.bmp, move.cur, navchdn.bmp, ddcopy.cur, doc_sda.ico, konkein.bmp, kondurch.bmp, navbook_h.bmp, navidx_h.bmp, svert.ptr, kein.bmp, konlinks_h.bmp, navtoc_h.bmp, navchlf.bmp, rechts.bmp, navidx.bmp, dynlnk.cxx, purge.hxx, demshea.bmp, edittest.cxx, edittest.src, demfilr.bmp, test.src, demtobtm.bmp, sample.cxx, outltest.cxx, intro.bmp, sample.src, outltest.src, demtxtrt.bmp, dlgtest.hrc, demtext.bmp, about3.cxx, makefile.lin, svdbtn.bmp, option.cxx, test.hrc, demlinb.bmp, sample.hrc, outltest.hrc, arw1cros.cur, demtxtpl.bmp, demtxtmi.bmp, sample.hxx, demlin1.bmp, demfilg.bmp,, demshad.bmp, about.bmp, demtxtgn.bmp, about3.hxx, demlin2.bmp, option.hxx, demlinr.bmp, marknext.svd, demcrok.bmp, demmirr.bmp, demlin3.bmp, dempoly.bmp, demedit.bmp, svdr_min.cxx, demrota.bmp, demtx2c.bmp, lingtest.cxx, lingtest.src, demtxtsw.bmp, makefile.tst, demrect.bmp, makefile.dlg, makefile.lgt, demfram.bmp, demfilb.bmp, example.cxx, wysiwyg.cxx, demcirc.bmp, demling.bmp, demlnpt.bmp, drawdemo.ico, demtotop.bmp, demfgrad.bmp, lingtest.hrc, demtxtbl.bmp, dlgtest.ico, dlgtest.cxx, dlgtest.src, basapp.cxx, basapp.src, svheader.hxx, basapp2.src, bmps.txt, basapp.hrc, basapp.hxx, basappsl.idl, basicide.ico, dummy2.bmp, dummy.bmp, baspch.cxx, baspch.hxx, svdedtv3.cxx, paractrl.cxx, paractrl.hxx, dialogs.cxx, xfontmac.cxx, xfontmac.hxx, li061.bmp, focal01.bmp, db06.bmp, fr012_h.bmp, favorit8.bmp, sg10406.bmp, lightons.bmp, dist02.bmp, im30824.bmp, matfavor.bmp, dist10.bmp, im30840.bmp, fr09_h.bmp, lcmakrod.bmp, li062.bmp, bpip.bmp, focal02.bmp, db07.bmp, favorit9.bmp, fr05_h.bmp, lm05300.bmp, focal10.bmp, scmakrod.bmp, dist03.bmp, locked.bmp, im30825.bmp, fr01_h.bmp, dropdown.bmp, owngal.bmp, find.bmp, im30841.bmp, combobox.bmp, favorit1.bmp, focal03.bmp, db08.bmp, dist04.bmp, fr011_h.bmp, im30826.bmp, lcautoko.bmp, sx18028.bmp, btnos2.bmp, lightsel.bmp, scautoko.bmp, favorit2.bmp, radio.bmp, aliengal.bmp, focal04.bmp, edit.bmp, fr08_h.bmp, im30819.bmp, dist05.bmp, im30827.bmp, fr04_h.bmp, nu03_h.bmp, editdict.bmp, sx18029.bmp, im01.bmp, db01.bmp, favorit3.bmp, focal05.bmp, dist06.bmp, im30828.bmp, im02.bmp, button.bmp, fr010_h.bmp, sxh18028.bmp, control.bmp, check.bmp, db02.bmp, favorit4.bmp, form.bmp, videofil.bmp, fixed.bmp, focal06.bmp, im30820.bmp, dist07.bmp, fr07_h.bmp, sx18030.bmp, listbox.bmp, im03.bmp, fr03_h.bmp, nu02_h.bmp, newdict.bmp, sxh18029.bmp, lg10406.bmp, db03.bmp, basstep.bmp, favorit5.bmp, matedit.bmp, focal07.bmp, im30821.bmp, dist08.bmp, group.bmp, thmopen.bmp, im30838.bmp, reloadsl.bmp, db04.bmp, btnwin.bmp, favorit6.bmp, focal08.bmp, im30822.bmp, dist09.bmp, urlbutt.bmp, scarb.bmp, reloadl.bmp, im30839.bmp, soundfil.bmp, fr06_h.bmp, sxh18030.bmp, li060.bmp, db05.bmp, sc_form.bmp, favorit7.bmp, fr02_h.bmp, nu01_h.bmp, focal09.bmp, active.bmp, deldict.bmp, dist01.bmp, im30823.bmp, link.bmp, sgaopen.bmp, addbookm.bmp, ibrwimp.cxx,, bpip.bmp, legtyp1.bmp, lm05300.bmp, owngal.bmp, find.bmp, legtyp2.bmp, images2.bmp, frames.bmp, fwrgtarc.bmp, fwbuttn1.bmp, fwtoparc.bmp, aliengal.bmp, legtyp3.bmp, editdict.bmp, bo_pre.bmp, fwbuttn2.bmp, fwbotarc.bmp, legtyp4.bmp, sc_lingu.bmp, fwrhcirc.bmp, fwbuttn3.bmp, grfload.bmp, videofil.bmp, images.bmp, fwbhcirc.bmp, fwbuttn4.bmp, newdict.bmp, sc10147.bmp, basstep.bmp, fwlhcirc.bmp, fwlftarc.bmp, bo_sdw.bmp, sc10148.bmp, numfmt.bmp, soundfil.bmp, deldict.bmp, link.bmp, addbookm.bmp, makefile.unx, attributeproperties.hxx, urlbmk, items.hxx, items.cxx, segmentc.hxx,, eaimp.cxx, wpsdraw.h, wpsdraw.c, wpscalc.ih, wps_port.h,, wpshtml.ih, def.sed,, wpsexe.ih,, wpsdraw.ih, wpshtml.h, wpswrt3.def, wpshtml.c, wpsimpr.ih,, wpsglob.ih, wpsimpl.h,, wpsimpl.c, calcdoc.ico, wpswrt3.rc,, wpscalc.h, wpschar.ih, wpscalc.c, wpsexe.h, wpsexe.c, wpsmath.ih, wpswri.h, wpswri.c, wpsexe.ico, mathdoc.ico, wridoc.ico, drawdoc.ico, wpsglob.h, chartdoc.ico, wpsglob.c,,,,, wpswri.ih, wpsimpr.h, wpschar.h, wpsimpr.c, wpsmath.h, wpschar.c, wpsmath.c, ddedummy.cxx,, extattr.cxx,, impflt.hxx, printopt.cxx, sumctl.cxx, chartcur.r, watercan.cur, ins_fx.bmp, pivotfld.ptr, scstlcel_h.bmp, dropblue.bmp, pivotrow.ptr, doc.ico, dropdown.bmp, equal_h.bmp, mrgrec_h.bmp, calctor_h.bmp, vor_sc.ico, anchor.bmp, calc3.ico, sc30tpl.ico, ins_fx_h.bmp, pivotfld.cur, about.bmp, detectiv.ptr, pivotrow.cur, tbxalign.bmp, sc30doc.ico, prg_sc4.ico, scappwnd.ico, dropdown_h.bmp, pivotcol.ptr, field.cur, chart.ptr, sch6305.bmp, sum_h.bmp, detectiv.cur, doc_sc.ico, sch6306.bmp, tbxdraw.bmp, pivotcol.cur, chart.cur, watercan.ptr, scintro.bmp, anchor_h.bmp, insrec_h.bmp, catpag_h.bmp, sc10doc.ico,
modified : #i22377# add table type filter to info sequence
files from: installation/scp/source/office/files.scp dba/dbaccess/source/ui/relationdesign/RelationController.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/ui/browser/: dsbrowserDnD.cxx, brwctrlr.cxx, unodatbr.cxx, exsrcbrw.cxx, sbabrw.src, sbagrid.cxx, dba/dbaccess/source/core/dataaccess/: connection.cxx, connection.hxx, dba/dbaccess/source/ui/querydesign/: QueryDesignView.cxx, JoinTableView.cxx, graphics/svx/prj/d.lst dba/dbaccess/source/inc/: stringconstants.hrc, apitools.hxx, dba/dbaccess/source/ui/misc/: WCopyTable.cxx, DExport.cxx, dbumiscres.src, installation/scp/inc/ dba/dbaccess/source/ui/inc/toolbox.hrc dba/dbaccess/source/ui/control/tabletree.src graphics/svx/source/fmcomp/gridctrl.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/TableController.cxx dba/dbaccess/source/core/api/: RowSet.cxx, definitioncolumn.cxx, RowSetCache.cxx, table.cxx, CacheSet.cxx, tablecontainer.cxx, CacheSet.hxx, statement.cxx, KeySet.cxx, querycomposer.cxx, TableDeco.cxx, preparedstatement.cxx, dba/connectivity/source/drivers/jdbc/Object.cxx dba/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/MDriver.cxx util/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/TypeDetection.xcu dba/dbaccess/source/shared/stringconstants.cxx xml/xmloff/source/style/xmlexppr.cxx util/svtools/source/contnr/imivctl1.cxx xml/xmloff/source/core/: xmluconv.cxx, xmlimp.cxx, xmltoken.cxx, dba/dbaccess/source/core/inc/TableDeco.hxx api/offapi/com/sun/star/sdb/ dba/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/: tablespage.cxx, dlgsave.cxx, dbadmin.src, detailpages.cxx, AdabasStat.cxx, indexdialog.src, xml/xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx xml/xmloff/inc/xmltoken.hxx util/svtools/prj/d.lst dba/connectivity/source/inc/java/lang/Object.hxx
modified : #111075# ongoing work
dba/connectivity/inc/connectivity/CommonTools.hxx dba/dbaccess/source/ui/browser/unodatbr.cxx

cws_src680_qadev15 was changed by Mindy Liu(mindyliu)
modified : #114401# tiny modify
modified : #114401# change in gethostname_002
modified : #114401# use helper function ifIpv4is

cws_src680_qadev15 was changed by Lars Langhans(lla)
modified : #114401# changes for getFileType_005
modified : #114401# socket tests temporaly removed.

cws_fix645_ooo111fix2 was changed by Kevin B. Hendricks(khendricks)
modified : scp/source/psprint must be built before scp/util (unix only) so need to add cp_psprint.u to the util dependency line.
modified : fixing stoc/test/testregistry so that it will actually work

cws_fix645_ooo111fix2 was changed by Ken Foskey(waratah)
modified : #i23906# correct the --disable-mozilla option to disable rather than enable mozilla
tools/config_office/ :, configure ;

HEAD was changed by Richard Holt(rholt)
removed : cleaning up
files from: dl_test.html pspell.html
removed : removing unused file, DicOOo-Tutorial.html
files from: DicOOo-tutorial.html
added : Directory lingucomponent/www/dicooo/Tut_es
added : committing Spanish DicOOo tutorial files, again.
modified : updating PackCenEuro3 (added Lithuanian)
modified : re-added Hyph dict manual install, addeded links to Installation instruct on dict pages.
modified : updating *.lst's
lingucomponent/www/ : available.lst, hyphavail.lst, thesavail.lst ;
modified : adding header
modified : try again, to adjust layout (timed out)
modified : separated dictionary_download.html into smaller chunks.
modified : updating de_DE_comb dict
lingucomponent/www/ : dictpack.html, spell_dic.html ;

HEAD was changed by Wind Li(yl146652)
added : Directory dba/www/drivers/mdb
added : A microsoft access sdbc driver for linux user

HEAD was changed by Ken Foskey(waratah)
modified : Mac: Merge and correct the build instructions in some places, put reference to general pages in another.

HEAD was changed by Pavel Janík(pjanik)
modified : Change the order of version listing. OpenOffice ->

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